it´s the new black ...
veit ekki hvort madur á ad hlæja eda gráta:
Tucker "You won't have to worry about getting pregnant."
[...]Tucker "Everyone's doing anal. It's the new black."
Tucker "It's the preferred method in Europe. Especially with the runway models. Don't you want to do runways in Europe?"
[... ...]
The combination of synthetic AstroGlide and rancid stench of raw fecal matter combined to turn my stomach, which was full of seafood, veal and wine, completely over.
- öll sagan. Hr. XY benti mér á hana, annadhvort tví hann vildi hlæja mig eda skemma, tú veist hver tú ert :P
tetta er eitt af tví sem ég á ad læra fyrir prófid á morgun:
1 ummæli:
issshhh..... Manni verður óglatt af því að lesa þessa sögu!
Annars menn hreeesssir í prófum... Já!
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