Hvað er að gerast:

fimmtudagur, desember 07, 2006

it´s the new black ...

veit ekki hvort madur á ad hlæja eda gráta:

Tucker "You won't have to worry about getting pregnant."

Tucker "Everyone's doing anal. It's the new black."
Tucker "It's the preferred method in Europe. Especially with the runway models. Don't you want to do runways in Europe?"
[... ...]
The combination of synthetic AstroGlide and rancid stench of raw fecal matter combined to turn my stomach, which was full of seafood, veal and wine, completely over.

- öll sagan. Hr. XY benti mér á hana, annadhvort tví hann vildi hlæja mig eda skemma, tú veist hver tú ert :P

tetta er eitt af tví sem ég á ad læra fyrir prófid á morgun:

1 ummæli:

Nafnlaus sagði...

issshhh..... Manni verður óglatt af því að lesa þessa sögu!

Annars menn hreeesssir í prófum... Já!