Hvað er að gerast:

þriðjudagur, janúar 29, 2008

með skrímsli í buxunum

ég hef ekki hugmynd um hvað verið er að reyna að selja mér í bréfunum sem streyma í tilboðshólfið í tölvupóstinum mínum.

en úr þeim ég tíndi saman þetta nýtísku ljóð:

Women laugh at you...
Solve this problem now
dont lose your girls.
Dont warry man.

Everything can happen.
A breakthrough in herbal Science, N o Exe \rcises
Strong man power. Prepare for winter!
At present it is your turn to change your sexual life.
Amazing, PERMANENT RESULTS that will last.Great device has much more advantages,
always wanted a simple, safe solution.
The world is mine
when they see my crazy sized little brother in my pants
... and to think I did it in just weeks.

Don't get hard without it.
Live it up by making a monster in your pants

Jennifer Anniston

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