Hvað er að gerast:

þriðjudagur, ágúst 26, 2008

spurning á hvorn hallar

gömul kenning og umdeild meðal okkar femínista:

"Call us crazy, but we’re not so sure that this lack of women at the top is such a slight. Maybe—just maybe—women have figured out that a job that requires 3000+ hours a year, robs you of a social life, and likely won’t net you much more than you’d make per hour as, say, a decent massage therapist, isn’t necessarily a gig worth sticking around for. We’re just sayin’."

af Bitter lawyer punktur com - sjá líka vefsjónvarpið þeirra (eins konar amatörískt 'the office' dæmi á borð við 'break a leg')

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