Hvað er að gerast:

þriðjudagur, mars 04, 2008

stærra jang!

ég fæ svo mikið magn af typpastækkunartölvupósti að ég get efnisflokað hann:

1. byssu- og kraftamyndlíkingar:
Your cannon is everything. Women simply LOVE a man with a big weapon between his legs!

Ram your new found longer gun into her and hear her moan

Male power will be mush harder

2. alþjóðlegur baráttudagur kvenna (þessi kom mér á óvart):
8th march is almost here, be ready for women desire
Less than 2 weeks till womens day. get ready

international women holiday almost here. Be strong!
Show all your power, for your girlfriend on 8 march

make luv all night on 8th
get your friendy up. best for your woman on 8 march

3. slæmt sjálfsálit:
It ups to you what to do to lengthenn or to be a looser with small size.

How can you give your lady pleasure if your equipment is like a matchstick??

Change your entire bedroom experience today.

Don't let her sleep with other men because she's not satisfied with your performance

Your chick loves enormous instrumennt but the problem is that you have small one.
Don't worry! You have astonishing chance to solve this trouble.

4. vondi strákurinn:
You'll be a giant of bad.

Ever heard the sound of a huge one slapping against a tight woman's butt?

Do you like having wild, sensual sex? Make sure your tool is up to the job.

Girls will be queueing up to stroke your shaft.

5. aukin kvenhylli:
Get wall to wall women, and twice as many nubile(*) breasts

Your measurement of success is by the INCH.

Your >!ck will win all women's admiration

(*) Nubile þýðir marriageable: of girls or women who are eligible to marry

2 ummæli:

Nafnlaus sagði...

Aetli Lilja hafi ekk sett thig á nokkra póstlista???
kv/ Erna

Halli sagði...

það er mjög góð spurning ...~_~