Hvað er að gerast:

sunnudagur, maí 07, 2006

pæling, and bs in english

ahoj, jaksemate?

currently reading a book for my summer job:

this bloggfærsla is partially in english, for u Kate! I really really need a break from studying, so here are some timekillers:

1. Holland, sometimes too carefree and innocent: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IXu1XpgCP4

2. mér hefur alltaf langað að kommenta á þessa lögskýringu Guðrúnar Kvaran á Vísindavefnum, hún er bara röng. það er ekkert réttara að nota bil af því að bil eru notuð í umræddri auglýsingu menntamálaráðuneytisins. auglýsingin segir hvorki af né á um það. hana og fleira sniðugt efni má finna á heimasíðu Eiríks Rögnvalds.

3. Joi, the hot-dog guy (arinn.blogspot) sent me a link that is maybe useful 4 music people: http://pandora.com/ - you can have your own radiostations! also, http://www.webhamster.com/ the hamster dance features some quality music!

4. maybe we can just all start speaking in latin phrases? and latin sentences ... my english is really getting bad from talking to all you hardly-english-speaking people :P

5. that famous sentence, strč prst skrz krk, it's on the internet (like everything nowadays) - in various languages it means: laita sormi kurkun läpi; steek de vinge door de keel; settu puttann gegnum hálsinn.

6. Marta, I'm still pondering about your comment - why is it more common to get drunk than to get eaten, anybody know?

I dont know... what more? some cartoons?
jedno, dva, trcí, stacy (the last one is a lawyer joke :) - and here is a picture of Superman, a teacher at my law faculty back home (copyright - little big T)

das constitutional court

hafði það ekki í mér að setjast í dómarasætið. maður er svo hlutlaus. yes, we sentenced a man to death, and he wasn't even on trial - he just came in to use the bathroom. poor bastard.

bæjarins bestu: pulsan á 10 Kz, nokkuð góð bara.

u c, in Iceland we have something called best of the town hot dogs, similar to that crazy place in Ceska! aaamazing Posted by Picasa

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